Cleaning and maintaining high ceilings with combination ladders

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Carrying out ceiling maintenance is tough, even when working on a standard height ceiling. Some ceilings are low enough for a tall person to paint with little more than an outstretched arm, but anything above that requires significantly more equipment to get the job done. When it comes to high ceilinged rooms and buildings, thorough preparation and appropriate equipment is required. Attempting to clean or maintain a high ceiling without the right equipment is nothing less than dangerous, so it’s important to be prepared.

There are a couple of different options available for anyone looking to carry out maintenance on a high ceiling. Professionals who carry out clean and carry out ceiling maintenance regularly may be best served by a scaffold tower. Scaffold towers offer a completely stable platform on which to work with various tools. However, combination ladders offer an easier and more convenient option which works just as well, as long as safety precautions are followed.

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How to size a scaffold tower

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For many professionals the scaffold tower is one of the most important pieces of equipment they use at work. Scaffold towers have developed as a more suitable, practical alternative to ladders in many situations. Not only are scaffold towers generally stronger and more stable, they can also be used to provide a safe working platform at greater heights than conventional ladders.

But what sort of considerations should be taken into account when preparing a scaffold tower for a work site, whether that’s in the home or in a commercial setting? If you haven’t set up or used a scaffold tower before, you probably won’t know exactly what to consider beforehand, so we’ll run through the process below.

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Top 3 benefits of a combination ladder

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Ladders are an essential piece of equipment in all work environments, and even at home. They allow users to safely reach places that they wouldn’t be unable to under normal conditions. Not all ladders are the same though. Some are built with specific uses in mind. Take the step ladder, for example, which is designed to offer users a small amount of additional height so that they can carry out simple tasks.

Some ladders, however, are designed to work well in multiple different scenarios by combing the features of other ladder types. Extension ladders offer the standard capabilities of a conventional two-legged ladder, but provide added reach thanks to an extendable section. This can make a massive difference to a user who is likely to use the ladder in multiple different scenarios.

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Sliding loft ladders vs folding loft ladders

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Although it may sound simple, there are a number of different factors to bear in mind when choosing the right loft ladder for your home or workspace. Not only does the material a loft ladder is constructed from have an effect on its performance and aesthetic appeal, the extension mechanism it uses will also make a big difference to its practicality in various situations.

There are two main overarching categories of loft ladder – fixed and extendable. As their name suggests, fixed loft ladders remain in place and cannot be retracted or removed without being dismantled first. This type of loft ladder remains in place so that the loft can be accessed whenever needed. The other type of loft ladder is the extendable loft ladder or pull down loft ladder, which extends and retracts into the loft via a hatch. This extension and retraction mechanism allows these space saving loft ladders to be conveniently tucked away when not in use. Not only does it free up space in the room below the loft, it also gives the room a much cleaner appearance.

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Pros and cons of different loft ladder materials

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Luckily, when it comes to choosing a loft ladder, there are lots of different options. There are a number of different loft ladder mechanisms which each have their own pros and cons in certain situations. From the complex extension mechanism of concertina loft ladders, to the simple but reliable sliding loft ladder, there are different options for different needs.

But the choice isn’t just about the extension mechanism. There’s also the material the loft ladder is made from to bear in mind. Besides the odd plastic loft ladder, which is less than ideal, loft ladders are usually either made from aluminium or wood. We’ll run through the pros and cons of each so that you have an easier time choosing the right loft ladder for your home.

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Your questions answered: Loft ladders

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As all homeowners know, storage space, although not a glamorous subject matter, is up there as one of the most important requirements when it comes to choosing a home. From cupboards to garages, the more people you have in your home, the more spare space you surrender to storage. There are many inventive ways to maximise storage space in the home, but one of the most common, which many homeowners are fortunate enough to have access to, is the loft.

Unless you’re a bungalow owner, chances are you use your loft for storage. Loft space is a useful result of owning a home with an angled roof, and there are many different ways it can be put to use. Some homeowners choose to develop their loft into living space, decorating the interior, adding skylights and turning the space into an extra bedroom. Even if the loft space remains a storage space, the issue of access is a key concern. If the loft can’t be accessed easily, it not only adds stress to the daily routine around the house, it can also be highly unsafe.

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The 7 ways an access tower aids production

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Access towers, otherwise known as scaffold towers or tower scaffolds, are one of the most popular modern height access solutions. They take some of the key concepts which make ladders such a useful tool and build upon them to create something even better. There are a number of different ways that access towers aid productivity on the worksite, so we’ll run through a few of them below.

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Maximum height of scaffold towers

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They’re great for use in many situations because they’re simple and easy to set up. But one of the fundamental drawbacks of ladders is their instability at height. If a worker is carrying out work on a standard two-legged ladder, even with extra support in the form of ties or stabilisers, there is a high chance of the ladder becoming unbalanced if it extends above a few metres in height.
As an example, the step ladder is specifically designed to be used at low heights, as it can support itself on its own four feet, and doesn’t have to be attached to an additional structure. This gives step ladders a distinct advantage over two-legged ladders when it comes to providing a stable working platform for workers. The only issue is that step ladders do not provide much more than a couple of metres height before they, too become unstable.

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How did the scaffold tower help in safe construction?

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As far as height access solutions introduced over the past half a century go, the scaffold tower is likely one of the most important. The unique way in which scaffold towers provide workers with a safe, stable working platform, fit for use in many different worksites, is something which can’t be understated.

The tower scaffold is a common sight on all sort of worksites in the modern day, both indoors and out. Depending on your line of work, you most likely will have seen some type of scaffold tower on a worksite. They’re becoming more and more ubiquitous for a reason – safety. But it hasn’t always been this way. Various types of ladder used to be used much more frequently in applications which we would raise an eyebrow to nowadays. Fifty years ago, affordable, high quality height access equipment, wasn’t as readily available as it is nowadays.

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Why the scaffold tower replaced the ladder as the safest way to work at height

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The conventional, two-legged ladder is an ancient invention which has been around for thousands of years. The fact that the same basic design is still used today is a testament to the effectiveness of the concept behind the design. The stepladder, on the other hand is a much more recent design, which wasn’t invented until 1862, when American inventor John H. Balsley patented his four-legged, foldable ladder design.

The two-legged ladder and its cousin, the four-legged stepladder, have been vital pieces of equipment for people working at height for many years. They both serve their own functions in the modern-day workplace, but a new contender has shown that ladders are no longer the best piece of equipment for the job in many cases.

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